Business Planning: The Secret to Setting "Miraculous" Business Goals

Does your business planning process involve reviewing your year-end goals, setting out a plan for everything you want to do the following year, and being left with more goals that you can ever manage to achieve? I've done this every year, and it has never worked for me. This year I discovered that sometimes it's best to let the plan for achieving these goals appear when it's ready.

Copyright (c) 2008 Christine Kloser
To plan,Guest Posting or not to plan? That is the question! Perhaps you can relate to my relationship with planning; typically, for the past several years, I'd review my year-end goals and set out a plan for everything I want to do the following year. And, year after year, there are always a course in miracles goals than I can manage to achieve. You may find yourself in the same situation... with so many things you'd like to complete in a year, but not able to get everything done.

But, this year something different is happening for me. And, when I recently attended my mastermind meeting in Las Vegas, I saw my same experience echoed by most of my colleagues.
Let me offer you a little background... The members of my Mastermind group decided to work together to complete our One Page Business Plan, based on Jim Horan's book of the same title. This was the best planning tool I've ever used... it helped all of us narrow our focus and gain crystal clarity on what was most important for us and our business.

The One Page Business Planning process, I believe, is what allowed me to do something I'd never done before... which is the fifth gift I received from my Mastermind trip to Las Vegas.
Gift #5: Create space for miracles to appear.

With a realistic, attainable, inspiring and strategic business plan in place, I allowed myself to attend my mastermind meeting in Las Vegas with the freedom of knowing my business finally had a clear direction for the year. The interesting thing about having a written plan in place was that it allowed me to not plan for every last detail of what I wanted to occur for the entire year.

In years past, this would have "freaked me out" a little bit. But, what I realized during my Mastermind meeting in Las Vegas was that many of us hadn't planned our entire year in specific detail. Rather, we knew WHAT we wanted to achieve throughout the year, but we didn't try to determine exactly HOW those goals were going to be realized. Instead, many of us consciously allowed ourselves to create space for miracle to appear.

a course in miracles

"A Course in Miracles text, workbook, manual for teachers and lessons. Modern day program for healing the Mind, releasing judgement, learning trust. David Hoffmeister shares the Wisdom.

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